A ten year old on a mission...

"In my mom's family, all the girls celebrated their cycles. They called all their cousins and aunts and grandmother and happily cheered, "I'm a woman now!"  It was an honor.  I'm noticing my friends worrying, being embarrassed, thinking it's gross and not celebrating at all.  I just want to help bring the ancient traditions of celebrating womanhood in a tribe back to modern day girls.  So...Look out Embarrassment! Here comes Rising Moon Tribe!"      - Torie


To celebrate womanhood and honor moon time.


To inspire lifelong bonds in communities educated about female cycles. To encourage open conversation between pre-menstruating and menstruating girls with their friends and caregivers.  To make periods cool through moon parties, beautiful products, and positive honest conversation.


Founder & President:  Torie Griffin

Moon Mother & Business Mentor:  Tara Ohnemus Griffin

Moon Sister & Creative Mentor: Jenna Ohnemus Peffley

Moral Support: Diane Ohnemus, Dan Griffin, Tanner Griffin, Eric Peffley and So Many More...

what we're up to this week...