5 Fun Ideas for a Girls' Circle

1. "Tell Me Something Good..."


A beautiful and simple icebreaker.  Everyone goes around and says something good from their week.  Sometimes it's something epic.  Sometimes it's "I got to come here today."  Often there are cheers and clapping from the listeners.  It starts the circle on a happy note. 

2. Nature Mandalas.


"Mandala" is a Sanskrit word that means "circle".  They have been used in healing and meditation for thousands of years.  There is usually a center point and objects, symbols, and shapes to make abstract natural and geometric awesomeness. 

Gather wildflowers, leaves, pinecones, shells, and sticks.  Start with something special in the center and work in a circle pattern.  Talk about radial symmetry, balance, finding your center.

3. Talent Share


This one's not for everyone, but we've found that most friends like to share.  Some girls bring a story or poem they wrote, some sing or play an instrument, some show a piece of art.  It's a nice way to honor each other's gifts and celebrate individuality. 


4. Tasty, Nourishing Snacks.


Smoothie bowls are always a hit.  Blend greens and berries and add fun toppings like nuts and coconut flakes and mini chocolate chips.


5.  "Say Anything..."


This one works best when there are trusted adults or "big sisters" in the mix.  A time dedicated to asking and/or telling stories without judgement.  If no one's ready to share, declaring a topic of the day (Body hair, periods, mood swings, etc.) and telling a personal anecdote will get things going.  

Many Happy Moons! 

Tara Griffin