Reaching For The Moon by Lucy Pearce

Reaching For The Moon by Lucy Pearce


We LOVE LOVE LOVE this book!  -Torie & Tara

Here's the official info:

Reaching for the Moon: A Girl's Guide to her Cycles is Lucy H. Pearce’s bestselling guide for girls aged 9-14 as they anticipate and experience their body’s changes. A beautiful, sensitive and nurturing celebration of a girl's transformation to womanhood, following in the footsteps of her bestselling book for women, Moon Time: harness the ever-changing energy of your menstrual cycle.
Beginning with an imaginary journey into the red tent, a traditional place of women's wisdom, some of the gifts and secrets of womanhood are imparted in a gentle lyrical way, including:

  • The secrets of the moon
  • The secrets of our cycles
  • The gift of self-care

Along with practical advice on:

  • Preparing for her first period
  • Choosing menstrual products
  • Herbal healing
  • Celebrating menarche

A message of wonder, empowerment, magic and beauty in the shared secrets of our femininity ... written to encourage girls to embrace their transition to womanhood in a knowledgeable, supported, loving way.

A must-read for all our daughters! Melia Keeton-Digby, author of The Heroines Club 
A beautiful, insightful book that every girl should have clenched to her heart… the most life-affirming gift you could offer. Wendy Cook, Founder of Mighty Girl Art
For our daughters and their mothers, thank you. ALisa Starkweather, founderof the Red Tent Temple Movement

Release: October 2015
Paperback: ISBN 978-1910559-086  |  $10.99  |  8"x 5" |  105PP

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